PARIS, France
01-05 November 2023
Watch the aftermovie
Useful info
- Day: Wednesday 1st November
- Time: From 11.30 a.m. to 8 p.m.
- Place: Palais des Sport Robert Charpentier
- Badges, bags and everything needed can be collected by 1/2 members of each delegation or by a small delegation. It is not necessary for the entire delegation to be present at the accreditation.
- football 11 (male) – max 18 players per team
- futsal 5 (male and female) – max 12 players per team
- basketball (male and female) – max 12 players per team
- basketball 3vs3 (male and female) – max 5 players per team
- volleyball (male and female) – max 14 players per team
- rugby 7’s (male and female) – max 15 players per team
- handball (male and female) – max 14 players per team
- tennis (male and female) – max 3 male and max 3 female players per University
- tennis table (male and female) – no limits in numbers of players
- badminton (male and female) – no limits in numbers of players
- swimming (male and female) – no limits in numbers of players
50m freestyle M and F
50m backstroke M and F
50m breaststroke M and F
50m butterfly M and F
200m medley M and F
200m freestyle M and F
4X50m freestyle relay MIX (2M + 2F)
4X50m medley relay M and F
4X50m freestyle relay M and F
- athletics (male and female) – no limits in numbers of players
1 mile M and F
swedish relay MIX (100m female + 200m male + 300m female + 400m male)
800m M and F
4×400 MIX (2 male + 2 female)
- cheerleading and cheerleading dance contest – see the Cheerleading/Cheerleading Dance Contest Rules
Wednesday 1st November
Accreditation of all Universities
Thursday 2nd November
- From 9:00 AM: 8th World InterUniversities Championships: Starting of matches for all the sports
- 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM: Lunch
- Opening Ceremony: parade of all universities delegation
Friday 3rd November
- 9:00 AM: 8th World InterUniversities Championships: Starting of matches for all the sports
- 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM: Lunch
- Cheerleading Contest
Saturday 4th November
- 9:00 AM: 8th World InterUniversities Championships: Starting of matches for all the sports
- 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM: Lunch
- 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM: Championships Finals & Cheerleading Dance Contest
- 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM: Awarding Ceremony
From Sunday 5th November
- All day: Departure of all participants
Rules of the Championships
- Cité des Sports – 92 Rue du Gouverneur Général Éboué, 92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux
Sport: Football 11 Male, Basketball, Basketball 3×3, Volleyball, Table tennis, Athletics - Palais des Sports Robert Charpentier – 6 Bd des Frères Voisin, 92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux
Headquarter, Accreditation, Lunch
Sport: Football 11, Futsal, Basketball, Basketball 3×3, Cheerleading - Swimming Pool Alfred Sevestre – 70 Bd Gallieni, 92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux
Sport: Swimming - Le gymnase Jacques Goddet – 239 Rue Jean Jacques Rousseau, 92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux
Sport: Handball - Le gymnase Jules Guesde – 15 Rue Jules Guesde, 92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux
Sport: Badminton - La Châtaigneraie Tennis Club – 6 – 12 Av. de la Châtaigneraie, 92500 Rueil-Malmaison
Sport: Tennis
Download the 2023 Invitational
The application process requires the following steps
REGISTRATION*: 139,00 euro per person
- Download the registration form and complete it
- Send it back to our email address: info@wiusc.com
- You will receive an email confirming the acceptance of your application and the pro-forma receipt
Pay 80 euro per person by 31st July, to confirm your registration
Pay the 50% of the accomodation by 1st September
Pay the balance of accomodation by 1st October
Pay the balance of the Registration Fee by 14th October
World InterUniversities Sport Federation SSD a RL will not guarantee team registrations if they don’t complete the payment before
the established date.
Cancellation Policy:
- 100% refund: before September 30th
- 50% refund: before October 1st
- NO REFUND: after October 1st
REGISTRATION: 139,00 euro per person
It includes:
- Championships registration fee (fields, referee, officials, balls provided)
- Grand Opening Ceremony
- Awarding Ceremony (trophies, cups, medals and mascotte)
- Contribution: total amount 12.000 euro (for the WIUC 2023 Universities Champion, to be used as discount for the Inscription to the 9th WIUC 2024)
- Official Bag and T-Shirt of 8th WIUC
- Gadgets
- Lunch on Thursday, Friday, Saturday
- Drinks, snacks and fruits during the Championships at the sport center
- Ambulance/Doctor Service
Transportation from the Airport to the Hotel and Hostels (available upon request)
Championships Level (more that 8 teams)
- 1st place:
- TROPHY + MEDALS FOR ALL PLAYERS + CONTRIBUTION of 500 euro to be used for the registration to the 9th World InterUniversities Championships (for all sports except basket 3vs3, tennis, tennis table, badminton and athletics)
- TROPHY + MEDALS FOR ALL PLAYERS + CONTRIBUTION of 300 euro to be used for the registration to the 9th World InterUniversities Championships (for basket 3vs3, tennis, tennis table, badminton and athletics)
- TROPHY + MEDALS FOR ALL PLAYERS + CONTRIBUTION of 500 euro to be used for the registration to the 9th World InterUniversities Championships (for all sports except basket 3vs3, tennis, tennis table, badminton and athletics)
Tournaments Level (less that 8 teams)
- 1st place:
- 2nd – 3rd place: CUP + MEDALS for all players
- 4th place: CUP
Best player
- (football, futsal, basketball, volleyball, rugby 7’s): TROPHY
Best Universities
- 4.000 euro for the Best Universities (to be used for the registration to the 9th World InterUniversities Championships):
- Best University in the Championships: 1.500 euro
- 2nd University: 1.000 euro
- 3rd University: 700 euro
- 4th University: 500 euro
- 5th University: 300 euro
Look where we are
- Cité des Sports – 92 Rue du Gouverneur Général Éboué, 92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux
Sport: Football 11 Male, Basketball, Basketball 3×3, Volleyball, Table tennis, Athletics - Palais des Sports Robert Charpentier – 6 Bd des Frères Voisin, 92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux
Headquarter, Accreditation, Lunch
Sport: Football 11, Futsal, Basketball, Basketball 3×3, Cheerleading - Swimming Pool Alfred Sevestre – 70 Bd Gallieni, 92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux
Sport: Swimming - Le gymnase Jacques Goddet – 239 Rue Jean Jacques Rousseau, 92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux
Sport: Handball - Le gymnase Jules Guesde – 15 Rue Jules Guesde, 92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux
Sport: Badminton - METRO Mairie d’Issy
- METRO Corentin Celton
- RER C Issy-Val De Seine
- TRAM T2 Porte d’Issy
- La Châtaigneraie Tennis Club – 6 – 12 Av. de la Châtaigneraie, 92500 Rueil-Malmaison
Sport: Tennis - Rugby Club Suresnois – 131 Bd Washington, 92150 Suresnes
Sport: Rugby