About IUSF

Who We Are

IUSF – InterUniversities Sport Federation is a non-profit entity composed by 7 different Professors and University Sport Coordinators from 7 different Countries. The mission of the IUSF is to unite all Sport Clubs, teams and own Sport Sectors of Universities worldwide, and to coordinate and amalgamate sports and culture initiatives among all Universities.

IUSF provides a wonderful opportunity for students to be active and healthy and enhance their social skills and networks. The core values promote the fun and fair environment needed to ensure students, professors, coaches, officials and administrators to enjoy sport and stay involved.

What We Do

One of the IUSF’s purposes is the organization of the World InterUniversities Championships, a multi-sport university sport Championship, for University Teams (not National University Teams) and the aims are to celebrate university sport, promoting the principles of fair play, diversity and inclusion.

Events encompass sports, social, educational and cultural activities, bringing people from different ethnical, cultural and geographical backgrounds together.


  • With resolution n°../.. dated 05/11/2015, A.S.D. Eurosportevents, recognized by CONI (Italian National Olympic Committee), establish the Inter-Universities Sport Committee.
  • Universities means each institution of higher education recognized by the national legislation.
  1. The name of the Committee shall be InterUniversities Sport Committee and the committee’s official abbreviation shall be “IUSC”. The IUSC will be non-profit making and does not pursue commercial objectives.
  2. The mission of the IUSC is to unite all Sport Clubs of Universities to supervise sports and cultural initiatives among all Universities.
  3. The obiectives of the IUSC are:
    a) To mantain and develop regular communication between the Universities Associated;
    b) To co-ordinate competitions, conferences, mass-sport-events and other activities at universities level;
    c) To represent InterUniversities sport in general and the member Universities in particular in relation to World organisations;
    d) To encourage and support the promotion of ethics, Fair Play, gender equity and good governance in sport as well as education of university students through sport;
    e) To encourage and support measures protecting the health of the athletes;
    f) To act against doping in sport and any other kind of manipulation;
    g) To disseminate throughout the World the ideals of InterUniversities sport in close collaboration with the International Sport Federation and other World Sport organisations.
  4. IUSC will pursue these objectives without any discrimination on political, religious or racial grounds.
  5. The duration of IUSC is unlimited.
  1. The IUSC has its legal seat in Milano, Italy and its secretariat in its branch office in Rozzano (Milano). The IUSC may open other branch offices abroad.
  2. The IUSC is subject to the national law of its legal seat.
  3. The official working language of the IUSC is English.
  1. all World Universities Sports Associations, World Universities Sports Office, World Universities (hereinafter W.U.S.A.) may be IUSC members.
  2. Members shall be admitted on application by a decision of the General Assembly. Approval of new members shall require and absolute majority of the active Members attending the General Assembly.
  3. Membership of IUSC shall be determinated, or suspended, as appropriate, by dissolution of the WUSA automatically per the date of dissolution, by withdrawal by the WUSA or by exclusion or suspension of the WUSA by the General Assembly. Exclusion or suspension of membership requires the majority of those active Members attending the General Assembly. During the period of suspension, the suspended WUSA is not deemed an active Member.
  4. Organisations with the status of active member shall:
    a) ensure that their statutes and internal regulations are in accordance with the aims and objectives appearing in the statues of IUSC;
    b) undertake to collaborate in the realisation of the IUSC objectives.
    c) only the Members whose will participate annually in the World Inter-Universities Championships (WIUC) will be considered to be active Members.
  5. Organisations with an interest in University Sport may be invited as observers to the General Assembly. The General Assembly may grant to them an observer status without granting them any rights or obligations.
  1. Organs and Officers of the IUSC are:
    a)  the General Assembly;
    b)  theExecutiveBoard
    c)  the President
    d)  World InterUniversities Championships®
  1. The General Assembly is the supreme governing authority of IUSC. It comprises the delegates appointed by the active Members. The quorum consist in the majority of the active Members that will be represented in the General Assembly. The General Assembly is led by a person who is elected by the General Assembly.
  2. The functions of the General Assembly are:
    a)  to approve the annual reports;
    b)  to adopt a strategy plan and the activity programme;
    c)  to make a modifications to the statutes;
    d)  to deliberate and to decide upon all questions or proposal submitted by the active Members;
  3. The ordinary General Assembly is held every year at a date and venue to be determined by the Executive Board.
  4. An extraordinary General Assembly may be convened on the demand of at least one fifth of the active Members or by a decision of the Executive Board.
  5. The notice of the meeting must be sent to each Member at least 90 days before the date of the General Assembly.
  6. Items for the agenda proposed by active Members must be with the President at least 45 days before the date of the General Assembly.
  7. Each active Member will be entitled to one vote. Each WUSA delegation may include up to two (2) delegates.
  8. Only delegates mandated by a WUSA with the status of active Member and physically present in the General Assembly may take part in votes and elections. No representation of any active Member through proxy shall be possible.
  9. The decisions of the General Assembly are taken by a simple majority except where otherwise prescribed in the statutes.
  1. Each WUSA can present only one candidate.
  2. One Member of the A.S.D. Eurosportevents will attend the General Assembly and Executive Board as the sport association who organize the World InterUniversities Championships®
  3. The procedure of elections shall be approved at the least by the General Assembly preceding the electoral one and presented to the active Members together with the notice of the meeting. In case no procedure of elections is approved by the General Assembly preceding the electoral one, the last validly approved procedure of elections shall apply.
  1. The Executive Board is responsible for:
    a)  the execution of decisions taken by the General Assembly;
    b)  theadministrationandrunningofIUSC;
    c)  the nomination or Working groups and their members;
    d)  convening an extraordinary General Assembly as required.
  2. The Executive Board is composed of at least by 3 Members including the President. Voting members must all come from different WUSA.
  3. The Executive Board meets at least one a year.
  4. Any matters not covered specifically by the statutes shall be referred to the Executive Board whose majority decision shall be final.
  1. The President:
    a)  Represent the IUSC with all legal rights and duties;
    b)  Presides over th emeetings of the Executive Board;
    c)  signs the minutes.
  2. When he/she is unable to fulfil his/her functions as President, he/she is replaced by the oldest Member in the Executive Board.
  1. IUSC establish the: World InterUniversities Championships® (registered Trademark by A.S.D. Eurosportevents).
  2. The rights to organize the World InterUniversities Championships® are of Associazione Sportiva Dilettantistica Eurosportevents (no-profit sport association, enrolled in the sports associations of the Italian National Olympic Committee Register) until the registered trademark will be owned by A.S.D. Eurosportevents.
  3. accounting and financial activities in the organization of the WIUC is borne A.S.D. Eurosportevents.
  1. any modifications of these statutes require a majority of 2/3rds of active Members present at the General Assembly voting in favour in order to be adopted.
  2. The dissolution of IUSC requires a secret vote with a majority of 2/3rds of the active Members present at the General Assembly voting in favour. On dissolution of the Committee any distribution of the effects will be decided by the same General Assembly. Any such distribution must, however, be for the benefit of a tax-exempted institution with objectives that are the same as to similar to the ones of the Committee. A distribution to the members is excluded.

General Assembly

IUSF – General Assembly | November 2022

IUSC – General Assembly | November 2021

IUSC – General Assembly | November 2019

IUSC – General Assembly | November 2018

IUSC – General Assembly | November 2017

IUSC – General Assembly | November 2016

Executive Committee

Dean Sinkovic
University of Pula
Irakli Bolkvadze
RGGU Moscow
Viktor Skultety
University of Economics in Bratislava
Zdenek Valjent
CTU Prague
Albena Ivanova
Medical University in Plovdiv
Maroun El Khoury
USJ Beirut
Alberto Tanghetti
ASD Eurosportevents

Country and Regional Representatives

Pakistan Representative

Babar Asad Khan

Head of Sports Department
Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS)

India Representative

Sunil Kumar

Physical Education & Sport Council of India

Russia Representative

Olga Lomakina

Student’s Sports Clubs Association of the Russian Federation

Scandinavian and Baltic Countries Representative

Ieva Galeniece

Rules of the Championships

Coming soon

Transparency Report 2023: Public Contributions

Publication of Public Contributions under Law 124/2017 – Year 2023

MOGC – Modello Organizzativo e Codice di Condotta